Bondi Bowls Baby

For all of us wanna be health nuts out here, there is a new sheriff in town.  Bondi Bowls, a current food truck favorite, has officially opened its first brick-and-mortar storefront at 136 E 5th Street in Edmond.  

Bondi Bowls is inspired by the real-life adventures of Edmond native, Bailey Wilson. After spending time in Australia after college, Bailey brought back her love for Australian culture and lucky for us, the food!


The Bondi Bowls brand name was chosen after Bailey fell in love with the iconic Bondi Beach located in Sydney, Australia. Bondi is known for its surf, hip cafes, and the overall exuberance of the people that live there.  Well, it is safe to say that Bailey has absolutely brought a little piece of the Aussie lifestyle back to Oklahoma and, thankfully for us, planted it at our feet.

I stopped in during the Bondi Bowl grand opening and was greeted by an abundance of lighthearted laughter, appeasing sights and sounds, and the buzzing of a crowd jiving to the live music of the band RAYLR. The atmosphere was contagious, and I couldn’t wait to order, have a seat and absorb it all. 


My bowl of choice was the Byron Bay. This bowl is ridiculously tasty…with a spirulina base, vegan granola, strawberries, and blueberries it seems impossible that this bowl of goodness is completely clean and nutritious. What is spirulina you ask?  Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae with strong antioxidant effects. Studies have shown that it reduces inflammation, promotes healthy aging, and may have anti-cancer properties. And yes, when served it maintains the color purple. But don’t let that fool you, it has a delightful consistency of a smoothie and mixes perfectly with the granola and fruity sweetness.  


If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, there are plenty of other bases such as acai, pitaya, green, banana coconut, and yogurt. Not to mention the plethora of toppings surely to satisfy your tastebuds. 

Bondi Bowls is a welcome addition to the Edmond landscape bringing with it the power of clean eating and nutritional options. You can check them out and find more information about their menu on their website!

 After being a vegetarian for the better part of 20 years, I am excited to find a restaurant that inspires me to do better. To eat cleaner and to explore options I had no idea existed


By Published On: January 23rd, 2022Categories: Uncategorized0 Comments

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