What’s a little Mondayness without some Bingo?

Mondays can be a real drag. After an eventful weekend its back to waking up early and going to work. You aren’t alone, Garfield, The Bangles, and even your cubical buddy Larry are all with you- Mondays can be the worst. Or do they have to? I for one am all about Mondays because Monday night is Bingo and half-price sausages at Fassler’s Hall. If those two things can’t put a smile on your face add the fact, they have over 20 different beers on tap an endless bottle list and your mood will be lightened. They have everything from domestics to local craft beer to foreign delights waiting to fill up ½ to 1-liter steins- how beer should be consumed. If you are one of those beer haters don’t fret, it’s a full-service bar big enough to quench any thirst. Now back to those sausages. If the name and foreign beers didn’t tip you off, yes Fassler’s Hall is in fact, German. That means those meat links are legit and delicious! All made in-house they range from the typical German-style bratwurst to cheddar wurst, Italian, vegan, and something special and different every month. You really can’t go wrong- but may I suggest the lamb sausage served on a pita with greens, feta, and tzatziki-soooo good! Besides sausages, they of course have typical German feasts like schnitzel, pretzels, duck fat fries, and my personal favorite black pepper pork rinds with onion dip! I can devour the entire serving to myself.

So now that I’ve sold you on Fassler’s Hall (which isn’t hard to do) let me explain why its very existence will brighten your Monday. Its starts with half-off sausages and ends in the best bingo in OKC from The Lost Ogle. This isn’t your typical bingo. Your Grandma and her friends most likely aren’t there (however it would be a lot cooler if they were) and no dabbers insight. Instead, everyone is free to play. Grab a crayon and some bingo sheets and wait for the fates to call your numbers. Unlike other bar games, bingo is for everyone. You don’t need to know the daily news or have the ability to reach all the high notes in a song. All you have to do is listen, mark your number and yell BINGO when ya’ win. It’s that easy. Every week you have the chance to win gift cards, a jackpot, or any random surprise the host is willing to toss into the ring, like say….a VHS with a dollar bill attached or a Care Bear sticker.

So branch out, live a little and come to embrace the amazingness that Monday is and can be! Beer! Bratwurst! Bingo! 

By Published On: February 16th, 2022Categories: Uncategorized0 Comments

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